Food security as one of the big 4 agendas is greatly affected by climate change. Due to global warming, farmers can no longer rely on rain-fed agriculture as the rain patterns have changed and are unpredictable. In the previous years, farmers could prepare early in time for they knew when the rains would come and hence food production was certain. Things have changed, rains are unpredictable, food production has decreased while the population of Africa keeps increasing.

The population of Sub-Saharan Africa is rising at an estimated 3.2% per annum.

The rising populations in countries mean demand for a reliable harvest is growing for with the rains or not, we must eat and therefore man must find a means of survival.

Barely two months after the president admitted that we as a nation can not feed ourselves, people are dying.Drought has hit us hard in most parts of the country.The meteorological department has predicted heavy rains anytime from now and soon, floods will be another crisis we will have to tackle as a nation. It is high time that we use the rains to our advantage and be prepared for the long dry seasons ahead after the rains have stopped.

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