Project Portfolio

Afarmers AgriTech Hub

Afarmers AgriTech Hub

  • Training of Extension officers
  • Equipping them with the latest technologies in the AgriTech Hub
  • Empowering them with e-extension services skills, farmer support
  • The target is to train 10,000 Extension Officers in Sub-Saharan Africa.

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Bosch FreshBox Campaign

Bosch FreshBox Campaign 2019 – 2020

  • Contracted to introduce FreshBox to the SubSaharan market
  • Trained farmers in the 4 countries on how to use and maintain the FreshBox
  • Prepared a go-to-market campaign strategy leading to the sale of 2,000 units
  • Managed the importation, sales, and servicing of the boxes
  • Developed marketing strategy and farmer sensitization

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Mercy Corps Agrifin Campaign

Mercy Corps Agrifin Campaign: Covid Prevention Campaign

  • Worked with the Mercy Corps design team to develop communication materials for farmers across East Africa
  • Used our media channel and the over 250,000 farming community to disseminate the information
  • Reached over 2.5 million farmers in 4 months through the media

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Mercy Corps AgriFin Vaccine Sensitization

Mercy Corps AgriFin (Producers Direct) Vaccine Sensitization

  • Sensitized farmers in 4 counties on taking the Covid-19 vaccine
  • Organized farmer focus groups
  • Reached 824,000 farmers

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Safe Use of Pesticides Campaign

Safe Use of Pesticides Campaign by UNIDO & MARKUP

  • Disseminated and sensitized farmers on the safe use of chemicals
  • Trained farmers on the importance of protecting themselves when handling pesticides
  • Trained farmers on how to identify banned products

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Mercy Corps Agrifin Climate Smart Agriculture Adoption

Mercy Corps Agrifin: Climate Smart Agriculture Adoption

  • Amplify, create awareness, and provide feedback to Sprout on farmers’ perception and understanding of CSA
  • Weekly mentions during the online shows
  • Studio interviews with industry experts and farmers
  • E-poster posts
  • Interactive polls

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Aflatoxins Awareness Campaign

Aflatoxins Awareness Campaign by UNIDO & MARKUP

  • Disseminate and sensitize farmers on the risk involved with Aflatoxins
  • Train farmers on the importance of protecting themselves when handling herbs, spices, and Macadamia nuts
  • Create awareness on Aflatoxins and its impact on human/animal health and trade
  • Sensitize the targeted audience on the management and control of aflatoxins
  • Effectively communicate policy recommendations to policymakers

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UKAID: UK-KENYA TECH HUB: AgriLinkages Farming Pilot

UKAID: UK-KENYA TECH HUB: AgriLinkages Farming Pilot

  • Consolidating groups of farmers
  • Aggregating transport
  • Consolidated demand

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Aflatoxins Awareness Campaign

Aflatoxins Awareness Campaign by UNIDO & MARKUP

  • Disseminate and sensitize farmers on the risk involved with Aflatoxins
  • Train farmers on the importance of protecting themselves when handling herbs, spices, and Macadamia nuts
  • Create awareness on Aflatoxins and its impact on human/animal health and trade
  • Sensitize the targeted audience on the management and control of aflatoxins
  • Effectively communicate policy recommendations to policymakers

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